RPWM US Tour Day 10 – April 22
April 23, 2013

Meeting this morning with a firm that surprisingly have a similar model to that of ours, which means very different to a lot of the firms we have been speaking to. This firm is a traditional financial planning firm with a strong focus on strategic advice as opposed to the “how much money do you have for us to manage” approach. It is quite a refreshing discussion with a philosophically aligned firm.

Our next meeting takes us to Park Avenue. Most of you are familiar with our story on fund manager selection, and the idea that unless we can eyeball the people that actually run the money we do not recommend the fund. We have recently placed a fund on our recommended list, and they have since had a merger and moved offices so like many of our clients that drive past our office to ensure we are still there we paid their new offices a visit. Pretty impressive setup, no questions on where the management fees go!


This is what the view from the 31st floor on Park Avenue looks like (very similar to the view out of our offices! NOT!)

One of the highlights of this trip without question was a visit to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on Wall Street. As official guests of the NYSE We had the opportunity to walk the floor and for those of you up early enough you probably saw us on TV during CNBC’s live cross from the floor of the exchange. Our timing was great, as we were there for the ringing of the closing bell.

ReireCare on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.


A view of the world’s biggest TAB!!


From Wall Street we walk down to the emotional place of the 9/11 Memorial. For those of you that have ever seen the Twin Towers it is unbelievable to imagine that they are gone from the Manhattan skyline. They have done an amazing job with the memorial park and serves as a reminder of an event that changed the world for ever.


Some moving words from the 9/11 Memorial Mission Statement:

May the lives remembered, the deeds recognised, and the spirit reawakened be eternal beacons, which reaffirm respect for life, strengthen our resolve to preserve freedom, and inspire an end to hatred, ignorance, and intolerance.

Take Care,

Luke, Mirko & Shane