RPWM US Tour Day 11 – April 23

Last scheduled meeting this morning in New Jersey, about 45 minutes out of Manhattan.

We met with a firm that employs forty people and is as a result about four times our size. Our opening question was “so we suppose that you have four times the headaches that we do”.

It is a firm that has recently gone through a rebranding exercise as we have been doing, so it was good to exchange war stories about that process. We did a presentation to their firm and then had the opportunity to look at their impressive process infrastructure that maintains a client base of in excess of 1,000 people.

We finish off our last meeting promptly remove our ties (yes we wore ties!) and head back to Manhattan to experience more of the New York City action.

Took this pic today on the subway, there are certainly some interesting characters on the train network there. Dog, in a bag, catching the train.


You can see why everyone is wearing headphones and just not trying to make eye contact in the subway system. Mind you, it is a much safer place than what it used to be and I think the zero tolerance regime has been good for the city. For example there was a sign on the train that basically said that if you assault transit police you are looking at 7 years imprisonment. Perhaps we could take a leaf out of that book given some of the recent goings on our public transport system.

We finish off this evening with an NBA basketball playoff game that sees us watch New York Nicks defeat the Boston Celtics to go 2-0 up in the series. Big sell-out crowd of 20 odd thousand at Madison Square Garden to watch the game. Pretty feral atmosphere, but I suppose this is to be expected given they sell full strength beer in buckets there.


This will be the last you hear from us until we are back. We leave tomorrow for home, cannot wait to get back and see our respective families and friends. Not looking forward to the 30 odd hours of door to door travel.

Take Care,

Mirko, Luke & Shane

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